Bitclout, DeSo, NFTs - What is new in Crypto City

This weekend I just happened to pop into Bitclout, when I saw there was a Town Hall going on with Nader aka the Diamond Hands, and over 200 Bitcloutians, and I could not miss that, after all the time and effort and so many new discoveries and disappointments, but my love for Bitclout remains as my teacher in the world of Blockchain.

It was great to have Nader address some of the issues, and growth hack, and even if half of what he says is true, they are ok in my book even with all the wild and crazy stories. Nader also seems like a good guy with knowledge and experience, and in theory, this social network wallet works, when it comes to reality and people, they tend to do what's good for them. I was not really impressed with justification for the Bonding curve, and allowing trading of unclaimed accounts, and not having a reasonable way to work on projects in any amount.

Fantasy Twitter where you learn Crypto by trading Logan Paul and Justin Bieber sounded really good, and a good way for different generations to be exposed to Cryptocurrency, wallets, investing, and keep it simple with things that are simpler to follow, and fun. I can see someone who learned about crypto yesterday telling their friends: made 3x on my Bieber, lost $20 on Elon Musk, got $100 in Naval, and minted a BitPunk Kitty NFT.

If there was a way to just lock some funds in, and be able to allocate funds to a project could have been even better, as well as all those developers that have made tools for trading and marketing, so now it is  DeSo go time! I do like Nader, and I hope they get it right, even if we did not get lucky, and spent so much money and time. I will be checking back I missed those days of Bitclout full of hope and love and a trading stack.

Photo by Pete Pedroza / Unsplash